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One last BIG push for the new 4,000 hour or 4K trail at Massanutten. We need your help! 0609161906

There are only 2 Thursday Massanutten trail work sessions left on the calendar can you come out and help us finish the trail? We need 15-20 people each week if we are going to make this a reality. Most of the digging was already accomplished with a machine (Read about the 4,000 hour trail project). Now we need you to help us with the finish work and dress some rock gardens. In 2016 we have already finished 6,000′ of trail with YOUR help. We have 2,500′ left to go so please come out and lend a hand.

When: Every Thursday (except October 6) start at 5pm or earlier since it is getting dark quickly these days. Final Trail Building Party on October 27.

Where: Massanutten’s Western Slope. (Google Map Directions) You can park on the main dirt road that leads to the yellow gate at the overlook. Please park on the same side as the other cars and NOT on both sides of the road. We are starting at the BOTTOM of the trail now so park a bit lower than before and walk UP the new trail to find the work party.

Questions? Email us or give us a call 571-277-8121

Read more about the newest trail project: Latest Massanutten Trail Wok

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