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The Great Community Give is a one-day event to celebrate all the good, generosity, and incredible nonprofit impact happening in our community.

April 17th, from sunrise to sunset, we are calling on our passionate riders, walkers, runners and rollers to spread the word, give, and be a part of the movement.

Bikes for Neighbors learning safety

🙌We’ve got a goal to raise $14,000!

📆 GIVE NOW or mark your calendar for 12 pm WEDNESDAY for our 12-1 pm “power hour,” where your gift could help us win a prize (additional funds) while we try to secure the highest number of donors during that hour.

🏋️During our power hour (12-1 pm), we are aiming for the highest number of donors within that hour. Donations will be matched by Bedrock Sandals.

💥When we reach 75 unique donors we unlock a gift from an anonymous donor

🥅Our Goal is 150 unique donors for the day, and when we reach that number, we unlock another $500 from Bedrock Sandals.

Thank YOU for all you do to build better communities in your own life! We’re deeply grateful for your support

When you support the Coalition, you are a part of our work and help us expand our impact through:

💥Shenandoah Rail Trail This will be the single most transformative project in the Shenandoah Valley for walking and biking. We’re committed to making this trail a reality along with many other partners.

💥Greenways – We believe people want and need safe places to bike and walk that are separate from cars. Greenways like the Friendly City Trail in Harrisonburg is model that we must replicate. We work to convince localities to invest in safe and separate facilities.

💥Bikes for Neighbors – Formerly called Bikes for Refugees. Now we know that Church World Services in Harrisonburg has over 100 refugees in need of bicycles for transportation. Help us get more bikes to people who need them to get around each and every day.

💥More Trails Close to Home We work to ensure access to trails doesn’t require driving to the mountains. Trail systems like the Rocktown Trails at Hillandale allow more people to experience the joys of trail-based recreation. We’re working on another trail system just outside of Harrisonburg and Sunset Park Trails in Waynesboro.

💥Streets are for People We must ensure our streets work for everyone. Especially the most vulnerable among us who aren’t enclosed in an automobile.

💥Trails on Public Lands – Our National Forest is an incredible and underutilized resource. We work tirelessly to ensure the expansion of trail-based recreation in the George Washington National Forest.

Your support fuels the Coalition’s mission to build better communities through biking and walking.


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