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The Bicycle Coalition is excited to help bring the (Virtual) Bicycle Film Festival to the Shenandoah Valley.  Bicycle Film Festival has been celebrating bicycles through art, film, and music for the last 20 years. We are excited to bring the festival to the Valley and hope we can bring it to local theaters in 2022.
We would like to invite your business to partner with us to promote the event.  A portion of the event proceeds goes to support the Coalition’s work to build better communities in the Valley.
As the festival draws closer, we are asking promotional partners to help us promote the festival through your own social media channels with:

  • 1 post on Instagram plus 3 stories on Instagram promoting the festival
  • 1 mention of the film festival in your email newsletter (if possible)
  • If you don’t have both Instagram and Twitter feel free to use Facebook instead. The Bicycle Film Festival uses Instagram as its primary social media channel to market the festival.

What do we need from you at this point?

  • Your commitment to helping the Coalition promote the event through your social media channels. You do not need to promote the event now.
  • In return, the Bicycle Film Festival  will place your logo on the trailer before the screening for everyone to see
  • That is all. Monetary sponsorships are an option and result with increased exposure. Please let me know if you might be interested.


  • March 12th is the deadline for confirming your involvement and for sending us your logo
  • The Festival program will be available online anytime from March 19th to April 4th. Tickets are available now on with sliding scale prices at $10, $15, $20.

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