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Want to Attend the 2017 Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival for Free? Click here to take the Surveytake-survey

SURVEY CLOSES Tuesday, November 22

The 2016 Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival by the numbers

Please take our survey to let us know what you thought about the 2016 Festival. One lucky survey response will win a FREE entry for the 2017 Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival

Also, please consider donating to help us finish raising the match for the $300,000 trail building grant improvements we have accomplished for the trails in the National Forest.

Join or Renew your membership with the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition!
Help us meet our year-end goal of 900 members! Current membership numbers-820 Join/Renew NOW!
Donate Today
2016 saw $300,000 go towards building trails in our National Forest but we still need your help. As before, the grant requires the SVBC to match 20% of the total cost. Can you Donate today to help us meet our match?
Lear more about all of these great projects:
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Get out and experience one of the newest trails in our area, our grant dollars just built the Carr Mountain Trail. Directions on how to ride the new Carr Mountain Trail on
Donate Today

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