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Bike CountHarrisonburg and Rockingham County uses the “National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project” methods to count bicyclists and pedestrians once per year throughout our area. Although this effort is led by city and county staff, it would not be possible without the many community volunteers (including SVBC members!) who help during the month of September to count at various locations for two-hour periods. 


Volunteer with us to conduct a bicycle and pedestrian count at over 20 locations in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County!

Volunteer expectations:

  • Attend a one-hour training on August 25, 6:45pm-7:45pm or on September 10, 6pm-7pm,
  • Participate during one of the follow count times,
    • Saturday, September 12, 12noon-2pm
    • Tuesday, September 15, 10:30am-12:30pm
    • Tuesday, September 15, 5pm-7pm
  • Stay for the entire count time, and
  • Record the number of bicyclists and pedestrians passing through the area.

If you would like to participate in this project, please visit Bicycle & Pedestrian Count webpage for more information. Questions? contact Zach Nagourney at .

PDF[203KB] Download Flyer.


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