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Mark your calendars for two Harrisonburg City Council Candidate Forums this Fall. The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition is very happy and proud to once again help sponsor these important and informative forums. Come out and hear what the candidates have to say on a variety of topics. Including but not limited to bicycle and pedestrian projects in the Friendly City.

Candidate Forum 2014-page-001

You’re invited to a TWO-PART Candidates Forum on SEP 30 and OCT 15 brought to you by the Downtown Dining Alliance, Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition, Better Together / Mejor Juntos, H-R Green Network, and the Northend Greenway. The purpose of these forums are to publicly engage the candidates for City Council of Harrisonburg about their views, educate voters to help them reach their own informed electoral decisions, and to promote citizen participation in strengthening democracy. Both forums are moderated by the Fairfield Center and the JMU Institute for Constructive Advocacy and Dialogue and interpreted in English and Spanish by Better Together / Mejor Juntos.

All six candidates will be participating (in alphabetical order): Ted Byrd, DD Dawson, Alleyn Harned, Joshua Huffman, Chris Jones, Helen Shibut. The format of the forum is primarily question and answer. Citizens may request to ask a question to the candidates at the start of and during the forum.

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