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June and July have not been easy months for our trails.  The recent round of storm to sweep through our area, ring lead by the Derecho on June 29th, have left a lot of our trails in rough shape.  The storms snapped the dead trees, uprooted the weak trees and shook every loose branch out of the healthy trees.  Volunteers from the SVBC and PATC have been working to get those trails cleared.

 Over the past few weeks small crews have been heading out into the forest to clean up the trails.  The volunteers organized the work into specific spot work missions or incorporated some clean up and scouting into their rides, hikes, and jogs.  Armed with handsaws, chainsaws and some elbow grease, tons of debris was removed from the trails.  

 It’s not done yet.  The trails still need some loving.  Check out the updated trail status on the  SVBC website to see what has been done and where help is needed.  Simply scouting out the trail and providing an update to the website is a huge help because it allows for the most efficient use of our resources.  In the picture above, someone had started cutting the log but got tired, or bored, or wore out their saw when the next rider showed up.  Even this was a huge help as it made for faster cutting!  Every little bit helps. 

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