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Harrisonburg City Council Candidate Forum

A Public Forum with All 5 Harrisonburg City Council Candidates

The Details

Elections matter! Learn more about the candidates running for City Council
An accessible public forum with all five Harrisonburg City Council Candidates that is nonpartisan, fair, impartial, and clear for all involved.

The City of Harrisonburg, diverse in itself, brings unique views to its city council as the voters determine in their election. This year, two seats open for a full term on the council – a four-year term – and a special election for a seat to fill a vacant term.

This year, the general election will be composed of two Democrats and two Independents. Marshall Orenic and Rick Nagel are the two Independent candidates, while Monica Robinson and Dany Fleming will serve as the Democrats running for these seats. These candidates are not running together; however, voters will have the choice to choose two of these four candidates on their ballot this year.

Voters will also have the opportunity to vote in a special election on the ballot. Former city councilman, George Hirschmann, stepped down from his seat on the council on May 26th, 2022. To finish out Hirschmann’s term, this special election has been called and consists of one candidate: Christopher Jones, a Democrat. Jones, a current Democratic city council member, lost his primary in the Harrisonburg Democratic Caucus in 2022. This has resulted in him running for this special election to keep a seat on the city council. There is no challenger to Jones.