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2 Forums / 2 Nights #hburgforums2016-public-forum-poster_jpeg

10/17 Update: Incumbent School Board Candidate Nick Swayne was unable to attend the School Board Candidate Forums but he did write a response to half of the questions. Read Nick Swayne’s response Now By Clicking Here

Local Organizations Team Up to Host City Council and School Board Candidate Forums at Court Square Theater

You are invited to join candidates for Harrisonburg City Council and the Harrisonburg City School Board on Monday October 17 and Monday October 18 at Court Square Theater. The forums are organized by the, Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Association of Realtors, Harrisonburg Rockingham Green Network. Both forums are free, open to the public and will start at 6:15 p.m. at Court Square Theater in the heart of downtown Harrisonburg.

This is the third time these groups have come together to host candidate forums. Harrisonburg and Rockingham Association of Realtors Joins as a 2016 sponsor. For 2016, the groups will hold a single forum for city council candidates and a second forum for school board candidates. The location of the forums will also move to Court Square Theater in downtown Harrisonburg.

Moderating the non-partisan forums is the 4C Initiative, a partnership between the Fairfield Center and JMU’s Institute for Constructive Dialogue and Advocacy. The forums will be interpreted in Spanish and Sign Language, which forum organizers hope will encourage greater participation. The format of the forums is primarily question and answer. Citizens will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates during the second half of the events.

The forums will enable residents to learn about what each candidate stands for by fielding questions on issues regarding Harrisonburg’s future. Topics include but are not limited to education, local economy, and transportation.

“Nice places to live, work, and play don’t just happen. The decisions we make today will shape the future of our city for years to come,” said Pete Bsumek of the Shenandoah Sierra Club and Harrisonburg Rockingham Green Network. Bsumek added, “These forums will help our community think about the future, and will help the city residents to choose leaders who have the vision and ability to make important decisions about everything from ensuring environmental sustainability of our community, to how to support and encourage affordable housing and attract good paying jobs to our area.”

The candidate forums are great opportunities to hear how your potential Council or school board members think and feel about a range of important topics. We urge every Harrisonburg resident to attend.

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