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Email Your City Council Members

Hopefully you heard but in case you have been living under a rock, WE WON! That means $3 million for Connecting our schools. It is ALWAYS helpful to send an email. We would still love for you to email your council members and city manager this time. THANK THEM for supporting Connecting Our Schools and encourage the city to move as quickly as possible with engineering and construction.

Go ahead and let us know if you were able to send an email to anyone on the Harrisonburg City Council

Personal letters are always more powerful take a minute to write a few lines about why the construction of these paths is important to you. How about some talking points to help you write your own personal email:

  • Support the construction of the Garbers Church Road Shared Use Paths to be completed by the time the newest elementary school is complete (newest elementary school will be built along Garbers Church Road).
  • Support the concept of building walking and biking infrastructure to connect schools to adjacent neighborhoods.
  • Support the expansion of an off-road greenway network in the city of Harrisonburg for transportation and recreation.
  • Support these projects which have been identified in the City of Harrisonburg Bike and Pedestrian plan for at least a decade.
  • Support the construction of paths that would serve over half of the Harrisonburg city school population. Once the new elementary school is built these paths will serve, Harrisonburg High School, Thomas Harrison Middle School, and the newest elementary school, reaching over 3,000 of the 6,000 students in the city school system.
  • Support safe spaces for city residents to bike and walk separate from cars and traffic.
  • Support projects that enable more students to choose whether or not they walk or bike to school.
  • Support projects

Don’t have time to write your own email? Then please copy and paste our sample email into your own email client and pass it on to your council members.

Dear Council member,

            As a citizen of the City of Harrisonburg who is proud of the progress we have made on the bicycling and walking front and our continued commitment to mass transportation, I take this opportunity to enlist your support for funding the completed construction of the Garbers Church Road Shared Use Paths in conjunction with  the opening of the new elementary school.  This is not only a symbol of our City’s commitment to continued progress on this front, but more importantly, it provides the means for over half of our school students to walk and bike to school from adjacent neighborhoods.

I support connecting our schools for walking and biking and see the value of connected communities where children and families can choose to walk or bike for healthy, active lifestyles, transportation, and recreation. 

Thank you for your time and efforts.


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