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We have exciting news! The George Washington National Forest started a 30-day scoping period to solicit feedback and comments on the Tillman Trails Connectivity Project. You have until September 1 to submit your comments.

What is the Project?

We’ve teased you with updates over the past year. You’ve heard the rumors about a new trail on Narrowback Mountain. Perhaps you even read our official announcement Back in November 2019 when we received a Virginia Recreational Trails Grant (RTP). Our proposed project would relocate the “Western” portion of the Narrowback Trail (Trail #432) to connect to the Wolf Parking Lot. Our past work to improve and relocate the Wolf Ridge Trail, in conjunction with the construction of the Wolf Parking Lot, will be further enhanced by a singletrack trail connection from the parking lot up to the top of the Narrowback Ridge Trails (Festival and Tower).

Details on the Project

How Can You Help?

Submit comments to the Forest Service TODAY in support of trail projects such as this one on Narrowback Mountain. Click to Comment

What Should You Say?

  • Tell the Forest that you support the project and would like to see more relocations of “legacy” trails and or new trail construction along the Tillman Road Corridor.
  • Emphasize the Need for more trails and better trail connectivity in the North River District of the George Washington National Forest and tell the Forest how this project will help with connectivity.
  • Highlight the importance of the Narrowback Mountain trail system for intermediate and beginner trail visitors and the unique position the Narrowback trail system holds compared to the many other more challenging trails in the Forest.
  • Stress the value of constructing more trails close to the Forest boundary so as to cut down on drive time.
  • Comment on the need for trails such as this one that are less steep and constructed on a sustainable alignment. This will increase the accessibility of the trail (more visitors) and will also decrease the amount of maintenance required for the trail.
  • Share why trails are important to you. Health? Mental clarity? Social connections? Economic development? Community?
  • Mention the importance of the region for mountain biking in Virginia and beyond. The GW trails in the North River District are increasingly popular and have seen an influx of use over the past years.
  • Consider mentioning the importance of accessing singletrack trail from the (Wolf) parking lot rather than riding on Tillman Road.

How Can You Help Besides Commenting?

As in past years, the grant requires a 20% match from the Coalition. Similar to past grants, we plan to make up this match with a combination of volunteer hours and fundraising efforts from those folks who believe in our work but might not be able to make it to trail work.

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