Big Bald Trail Work RTP GrantTrail Work Big Bald Trail Work Big thanks to those who made it out to help clear trail on the Big…Kyle LawrenceJanuary 24, 2015
National Forest Trails…NEEDS YOUR HELP! George Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work National Forest Trails…NEEDS YOUR HELP! For 20 years SVBC has leading National Forest Trail Work Days and WE NEED YOUR HELP!…Rich HarrisSeptember 10, 2014
Trail Work This Saturday George Washington National ForestHarrisonburgRTP GrantTrail Work Trail Work This Saturday PSYCHE! That wasn't the last Saturday National Forest trail work after all! Come one, come…Kyle LawrenceNovember 6, 2012
Building Trail For Everyone DonateFundraisingGeorge Washington National ForestHarrisonburgRTP GrantTrail Work Building Trail For Everyone Ray Gay with two of his children in trailer on the Tillman West Trail. Shenandoah…Kyle LawrenceOctober 31, 2012
A week off to recover! RTP GrantTrail Work A week off to recover! After five weeks of hard work, crews will take a break to recharge their batteries…Rich HarrisOctober 30, 2012
Something Special is Cooking on Lookout Mountain George Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work Something Special is Cooking on Lookout Mountain Ian Beckner and Kyle Lawrence checking out two line options on the west side of…Kyle LawrenceOctober 18, 2012
Improvement rolling fast on Narrow Back and Lookout Mountain George Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work Improvement rolling fast on Narrow Back and Lookout Mountain This past Sunday some riders from Charlottesville came west to check out the new trail…Rich HarrisOctober 16, 2012
Saturday Trail Work Rolling Along George Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work Saturday Trail Work Rolling Along Nineteen came out for the Friday night six-pack at Road Hollow and EIGHTEEN came out…Kyle LawrenceOctober 13, 2012
SVBC Kicks off Biggest Fundraising Effort Ever DonateFundraisingGeorge Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work SVBC Kicks off Biggest Fundraising Effort Ever Check out Scott Wootten's awesome video! And please share it with your friends!Kyle LawrenceOctober 7, 2012
Lookout Mountain – SVBC begins trail realignment today with Trail Dynamics DonateFundraisingGeorge Washington National ForestRTP GrantTrail Work Lookout Mountain – SVBC begins trail realignment today with Trail Dynamics Thanks to IMBA and USFS for all their help. It's going to be sooooo amazing…Kyle LawrenceSeptember 25, 2012