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This is a unique special event and Madison Run Road as well as other administrative roads in the park are and remain closed to bicycles. We will say it again, Shenandoah National Park’s prohibits bicycle access to administrative roads. 

The Coalition has worked for many years to secure bicycle access to certain unpaved administrative roads in Shenandoah National Park. On September 6, 2017 we held a bicycle camping trip on Madison Run Administrative Road in the the Park. We are Holding Another One!

Date: Sunday August 22 to Monday August 23

Location: Leave from the Friendly City Food Co-op in Downtown Harrisonburg and ride up to Loft Mountain Campground via Madison Run Road. 


Disclaimer: We will not have vehicle support for this trip and you will be expected to bike with all of your own food, clothing, sleep gear, and anything else you might need. There is a small restaurant at Loft Mountain Wayside and a small camp store with supplies.

Distance: Sunday’s ride and climb will be 32 miles with over 3,000 feet of climbing to reach the Loft Mountain Campground

Registration: The event is capped at 25 participants and you can Register HERE. Registration is for current Coalition members only and we will cover entrance fees and campground site costs.

Special Notes: This is a permitted event and the group will need to remain largely together. You will only be permitted to ride a bicycle on Madison Run road if you are a part of this group. We anticipate a leisurely pace with plenty of regroups.

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  • 9:30 am: Depart from Friendly City Food Co-op in Downtown Harrisonburg
  • 12:00 pm: Arrive at the Park Boundary and the bottom of Madison Run Admin Road. 
  • 1:30 pm: Group arrives at the top of Madison Run rd and Browns Gap. Smaller sub-groups leave at 10-minute intervals to ride the 3.5 miles to Loft Mountain Wayside 
  • 3:00pm: Group arrives at Loft Mountain Campground sets up camp


  • 10:15 am: Group begins to depart Loft Mountain Campground in several smaller groups
  • 11:00 am: Group arrives at Browns Gap to descend down Madison Run road. 
  • 11:45 am: Entire group departs from Park Boundary to retrace route back to Court Square
  • 2:00 pm: Group arrives back at Court Square in Downtown Harrisonburg

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