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Cruising through Marble Valley just south of Deerfield


Registration is Live- Do it today

A new twist on the organized ride that isn’t so new brought to you by SVBC and avid route planner Matt Hassman. Read Matt’s take on what has become a classic local ride and mark your calendars!


Everything old is new again! The sport of randonneuring is nearly as old as the bicycle itself, but recently has begun to have a revival of its own. If you’re curious about the challenge of self-supported long distance riding this will be a great opportunity to experience the format. What makes this different than a century ride? Well the route will be roughly 200 kilometers which is around 120 miles, so a little bit longer. A cue sheet is provided with turn by turn directions to guide you through this scenic and mellow route. There is no support from the organizers, although the route does provide opportunities to acquire food and water. There is a time limit, 13:30 hours to complete the course. You will receive a brevet card that acts like a passport that you get signed at certain checkpoints to prevent short cutting the route. Team work is allowed, and the buddy system is encouraged, this is not a race against each other but against time and terrain.

The route travels east and south out of Harrisonburg towards George Washington National Forest and the town of Deerfield. Here is the first checkpoint and opportunity for supplies. The road heads south, following the scenic Calf Pasture River until reaching Goshen and another checkpoint with food and water. The Calf Pasture River flows into the Maury River, as you continue losing elevation, you travel through the Goshen Pass with great views of the rapids and an opportunity to take a quick dip in the river. Shortly thereafter, you leave the woods to begin the return leg of the trip, along the western edge of the valley. Heading north, climbing up Walkers Creek Rd. you’ll reach your highest elevation just outside of Staunton. Skirting town brings you to your last checkpoint and chance for food on the route. Traveling north through Augusta County’s back roads into Bridgewater brings us back to more familiar territory and into town.

Register NOW: Goshen Pass Registration

A link to the route:

A Facebook Event for the Group: SVBC Goshen Pass Randonnée

To read more about randonneuring visit: Local randonneur club:

Cost: 10$ for insurance and all other proceeds will be donated to (L)earn A Bike youth program. $8 if you are a SVBC member.

Date: Sunday, March 13, 2016

Start/ Finish: Mr. J’s South 42, Harrisonburg, VA


Questions? Concerns? Interested? You don’t have to pre-register but it is highly encouraged. Register Now! ()

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