In our November 2024 monthly Western Slope Email, we asked the following two questions:

- What’s the most pressing issue on the Western Slope trails?
a. Trail erosion and maintenance
b. Lack of signage or maps
c. Overcrowding on popular trails
d. Too much focus on mountain biking vs. other users
- How do you feel about trail etiquette on the Western Slope?
a. People are generally respectful – no issue here
b. Some users don’t follow yield rules, causing conflicts
c. There’s a lack of education on proper trail use
d. It’s a free-for-all out there – enforcement is needed!
Can you help us sustain the Western Slope Trails? As we wrap up 2024, your support of these trails helps us launch into 2025, and our NEW builds.
Here is what we heard back from folks:
Trail Maintenance:
- Focus on revitalizing older trails to address erosion and improve usability.
- Prioritize maintenance for high-use trails and those prone to environmental wear.
Signage and Education:
- Install clear, consistent signs with trail names, maps, and etiquette rules.
- Emphasize yield rules and responsible trail use at kiosks and intersections.
Community Engagement:
- Address property sale rumors to reassure users of the trail system’s future.
- Encourage respectful use through outreach, volunteer training, and signage.
Balanced Focus:
- Ensure all user groups (bikers, hikers, runners) feel represented and supported in trail development.
Question 1: What’s the most pressing issue on the Western Slope trails?
- Trail Maintenance:
- Legacy trails need revitalization for better usability.
- Erosion issues, especially on older “old school” trails like Hahnenkamm and Laird’s Downhill.
- Improvements have been noted in clearing downed trees and maintaining trails, but ongoing maintenance remains a priority.
- Leaf removal and addressing erosion on flow trails are desirable upgrades.
- Signage and Maps:
- Inconsistent signage and map orientation lead to confusion.
- A need for more coordinated and user-friendly maps that align with trail names and usage patterns.
- Erosion and Environmental Impact:
- Rain and heavy use during muddy conditions exacerbate erosion.
- Older trails lack erosion-resistant design compared to newer ones.
- Rumors about Property Sale:
- Concerns about the stability of the Western Slope property and its continued use for trails.
Question 2: How do you feel about trail etiquette on the Western Slope?
- General Respect:
- Most users exhibit good trail etiquette, with minimal conflicts reported, especially during weekdays.
- Issues are occasional and typically involve new users unaware of etiquette rules.
- Education and Signage:
- A lack of education on yield rules (e.g., descending riders yielding to ascending riders) is causing some conflicts.
- Suggestions for large, clear signs at trailheads and throughout the network to educate users.
- Weekend Crowds:
- Trail use increases on weekends, sometimes leading to minor conflicts due to etiquette misunderstandings.
- Regular users avoid peak times to mitigate issues.
Read the full results of our BIG Trails Survey