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Join us for the Coalition’s FIRST Kids Bike-a-Thon!

When: Sunday, April 14th from 3p-6p

What: A kid bike-a-thon fundraiser to make our streets safer and more connected for our community. fundraiser to make our streets safer and more connected for our community.

Where: RSVP Here for location details.

Why: With this Great Community Give, we celebrate the projects that make routes to school safer and bring joyous connectivity to our community.

How: You can demonstrate your support for continuing this mission, which creates safer, friendlier, and more accessible opportunities for active transportation through social and physical connections in several ways.

    1. Come on out to the BBQ Backyard Bash!
    2. If you have a kid help them ask friends and family to sponsor their 3 mile laps. For example, a kid might be able to secure several sponsorships ranging from $10 to $100 which might total $200 per lap. Help us make this kid pedal powered fundraiser a success.
    3. Sponsor a kid! The kids will be raising money for each lap they complete.(Anonomous donations will go to kids who were not able to find sponsors.). You can add the name of the kid in the message.
    4. Donate to the fund – each $25 donation goes toward sponsoring a lap for the kids to ride.

Other Details:

  • Donate beforehand to sponsor a kid.You can also donate in person at the event. We will have a cash/check box and a computer for online donations.
  • The Martinez Carter Weaver Family will be BBQ’ing, and will have plenty of drinks, any dishes to share are welcome.
  • All funds raised through the Kids Bike-a-Thon contribute to the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition’s Great Community Give fundraiser, where amounts will be matched, doubled, and more – learn more here.


3 miles through Sunset Heights and the new, Friendly City Trail, a SVBC Connect Our School’s project.

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