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The 2021 Virginia General Assembly is will be gone in the blink of an eye but thanks to our friends and partners at the Virginia Bicycle Federation, we have an exciting bill to help champion. The Virginia Bicyclists Safety Act (Senate Bill #1263 and Houses Bill #2262) will make our roads safer for everyone and especially for those of us who choose to ride bicycles for transportation and recreation.

What is the Virginia Bicyclist Safety Act?

We have a full FAQ below with more details but in a nutshell, the Virginia Bicyclist Safety Act is a three-part bill to be considered in the 2021 Virginia General Assembly Session. The bill makes small changes to the Code of Virginia to simplify the law, make streets safer, and simplify the educational challenges of drivers and bicyclists. The three parts include:

  • Require Drivers to Change Lanes to Pass a Bicyclist
  • Allow Bicyclists to Ride Two-Abreast at Any Time
  • Require Bicyclists to Yield at a Stop Sign, i.e. the “Safety Stop”

How Can You Help Make This a Reality?

  1. Contact your Senator and ask them to support SB1263 (Find your Senator)
  2. Contact your Virginia Delegate and ask them to support HB2262 (Find your Delegate)
  3. Sign the Virginia Bicycle Federation letter in support of the Act: Click Here
  4. Share our Bicycle Safety Act Social Media Posts: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter/ Linkedin

How to Contact your Virginia Senator or Delegate?

  1. Find out who your legislator is Click Here
  2. Once you find your legislator you can click on their email to get their address
  3. Use the bill number in your email subject and ask for their support (SB for the Senate and HB for delegates in the House)
  4. write a 2-5 sentence personal account for why you think this legislation is important and should be adopted.
  5. You can also call your senator. You can call 1-833-617-1821 to express your opinion on legislation Mon-Thurs 8:30am-5pm and on Fridays 8:30am-2:00pm. Input will be sent directly to your Senator’s office.

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