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1. Is Harrisonburg a “Silver” Level Bicycle Friendly Community?

Survey Closes on Sunday, September 22.

The City of Harrisonburg is currently a “Bronze” Level Bicycle Friendly Community. The survey is open to anyone familiar with bicycling in the City of Harrisonburg. You do not have to LIVE in the city to help inform the process for Harrisonburg’s Bicycle Friendly Community Application.

This survey will help provide context for the League of American Bicyclists review team’s decision-making process, as well as valuable feedback to the City of Harrisonburg directly from bicyclists in our community. Anonymous aggregate survey results will be included in feedback materials later this year. Interested in Reading the Report Card for the City of Harrisonburg from the last application? Click Here.

2. Is James Madison a Bicycle Friendly University?

Survey Closes on October 1

Well, yes. JMU was designated a “Bronze” level university back a number of years ago. The League of American Bicyclists wants your input on how what level designation you think JMU should receive. Please click to take the survey.

If you know of other students, staff, faculty, or bicyclists in the community who may also like to weigh in, please feel free to share this survey link with them as well. The Leauge welcomes input from anyone who is familiar with bicycling conditions on campus.

The input received through this survey will not only help inform the award decision for James Madison University, but anonymous survey results will also be included as part of the Feedback Report for JMU to help the university continue to improve for everyone who bikes. 

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