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Join us for our first foray into riding bicycles at Harrisonburg’s Friendly City Fourth. We will have kids activities set up as well as games for adults. It will be fun, inviting and help us reach new people with bicycles. Come out and lend us a hand and let us know if you are interested in volunteering!

Interested in volunteering? Then please " target="_blank">email us to RSVP

When: Thursday, July 4 from 4-8 PM

Where: Lindsay Funeral Home Parking lot next to Harrisonburg City Hall

Why: Bikes are fun and we want to spread the joy of riding a bike to more people. This will be the first year that we help Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance with the Friendly City Fourth to bring the joy of riding a bike to kids and families.

What: We will have the parking lot blocked off and will have plenty of small and fun bikes for kids and adults to ride. Look for fun bike games like the “Slow Race,” skills courses, and more

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