What: Join the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition as we ride our decorated bicycles in the 2018 Harrisonburg Holiday parade. Every bicycle and/or person should be lit and/or decorated. Please try to be creative and adhere to the parade theme “Capture the Magic”. See our Facebook Event
When: Friday December 7 line up with us by 6:30 pm
RSVP PLEASE: Can you let us know you are planning to attend? You can RSVP on our Facebook event or send us an email:

Where: We need to be lined up at the Rockingham County Government Center by 6:30PM PLEASE JOIN us by 6:30pm
Here are the details:
-Everyone is welcome, just be sure to bring your bike
-Your bike and/or person should be decorated or in costume.
-You MUST wear a helmet to ride in the parade (City of Harrisonburg Rules)
-You cannot dress as Santa or Ms. Claus
-The parade will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and is approximately 1 mile in length.
-Be sure to dress warmly as we may have to wait awhile in the staging area for the parade to begin.
-Every entry should be lit and/or decorated. Please try to be creative and adhere to the parade theme “Capture
***If you are handing out candy/information/etc., please do not throw those items from your float/vehicle. You must walk to the edge of the sidewalk and hand out to spectators. Spectators are not allowed to enter road/parade route.