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Each Thursday for the next 26 weeks, Volunteers like YOU will work hard to expand the ever-growing Massanutten Western Slope Trail System!

Come Join the fun and make this new trail (Red Line on map) become more than just a line on a map. See the trail on an interactive map.

New trail connecting “Special K” to the Ridge Trail south of the Resort Overlook

When: Every Thursday through October: Join anytime between 5pm-8pm

Where: We will meet at the top of Del Webb Drive (top of “2K Trail).Everyone park on the same side of the road. Please open/close the gate at the bottom of Del Webb as you arrive or leave. See online map with the new trail.

What to Bring: You, good working attire, and a friend! Your Bicycle Coalition will provide tools and beverages for post-trail work enjoyment.

Goal: 1200 hours in the next 26 weeks, 15 volunteers a week!

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