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Pink Bike came to Harrisonburg to see what our little corner of the world is all about. What followed was a week of riding great trails and some good discussions surrounding our community. Make sure you read it and share it with your friends and family. Afterall, we want more people on bikes. Period. Sometimes the best nudge is to help someone realize what they have right in their backyard or right under their nose.

There is an ever-evolving narrative in mountain biking that has me excited: communities looking to our sport and community as an economic and social asset. It’s a dynamic that we as mountain bikers should be proud of, as it’s often a reflection of the countless hours spent trail building, advocating, and meeting with land managers that have really given our community of mountain cyclists so much leverage throughout the country. It’s a theme I have written about and witnessed for many years now, and places such as East Burke, Vermont; Roanoke, Virginia; and Davis, West Virginia are but a few of the growing list of towns on the east coast alone that look to their riders and trails for inspiration and economic growth. It’s a trend that I hope to see continue, as I love writing about these places and the critical thinkers who make them what they are today, and really enjoy the idea of a town “buying” in on mountain biking. Harrisonburg, Virginia, for the record, is not one of these places. The riding community that has been developed here isn’t the result of, or the stimulus behind the city’s growth. The town itself is doing just fine with or without bikes. No, Harrisonburg’s brilliant, and dynamic cycling opportunities are homegrown, and it’s one of my favorite things about this place.” Read the Rest of the Article

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