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Great news on progress for the much anticipated Northend Greenway. If all stays on schedule then we should see construction in 2018.

WHSV had this piece on the NEG: Watch the Video at this link

HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) — Harrisonburg City Council unanimously approved the next phase of construction for the Northend Greenway during Tuesday night’s meeting.

Phase One includes connecting Mt. Clinton Pike and Suter Street with a bike and pedestrian path along Blacks Run Creek, as well as stream restoration on the creek itself.

This step is something some in the Harrisonburg community have been waiting on for a long time.

“We have been really eager to see progress, to see the success of this phase one and eventual phase two of the Greenway project,” said Northend Greenway committee member Alleyn Harned. “People have been coming together, pushing and contributing their own resources toward amenities for the path to make it more of a park and an enjoyable project.”

The total cost of phase one is estimated to be about $350,000.

The money to start phase one of the project is included in this fiscal years’ budget.

If everything stays on schedule, the contractor will complete the assessments and surveys in September and finish up the plans in February of next year.

North End Greenway Shared Use Path and Stream Restoration from City of Harrisonburg Stormwater and Environmental Updates

The City is undergoing a public-private partnership project that will result in significant pollutant removal of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment from our local watershed.
The North End Greenway will be a 10 ft. wide shared use path and stream restoration starting on the east side of the railroad crossing on Mt. Clinton Pike and continuing into the north side of the undeveloped property east of Blacks Run. It will traverse this property on the east side of Blacks Run. The trail will then cross Liberty Street, enter a public easement, and terminate at the northwestern end of Suter Street. The associated stream restoration will include efforts to stabilize 1,172 linear feet of Blacks Run and 750 linear feet of an unnamed tributary that enters Black’s Run from the west using natural channel design techniques. Both of these existing stream stretches are characterized by eroding banks and migrating head-cuts due to the livestock grazing, lack of riparian buffer, and increased runoff from upstream development.
The City is required to remove a total of 885 pounds of Phosphorus from city watersheds by the year 2028 according to our Chesapeake Bay TMDL regulations (as well as 6,710 pounds of Nitrogen and 759,696 pounds of sediment). A stream restoration of this length will yield significant removal of pollutants, but it is important to note that other entities aside from the City are able to purchase these privately created phosphorus removal credits as well. For this reason, not all phosphorus removed will be credited towards the City’s Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan. It is the intent of the interim agreement of this public-private partnership that 13 credits (or pounds), valued at $18,570/credit, will act as an initial deposit  to assist in the cost of design and that additional credits will be purchased as project initiation and construction progresses.

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