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Highlights & Suggestions

Another Red Wing has come and gone with all of the group rides along with it. Luckily, some great memories were made and the love of cycling certainly shined through all the participants. There was also a great turnout for all rides and something that we hope to maintain. We started early in the morning to gather all the cyclists and formed them into their respective riding groups. Of course, once they left the festival grounds all groups went their separate ways to enjoy a great day of riding.

The Reddish Knob ride was certainly a sight to see with a multitude of emotions going through the riders surviving the climb. We had a wonderful community vibe on top of the mountain. Including great food and music (many thanks to Shenandoah Alley) made the top that much sweeter.

We appreciate all those who signed up and the volunteers who helped because nothing could have been done without them. If you have any comments or suggestions for future Red Wing group rides please feel free to contact us at

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