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If it seems like we have been talking about bike/ped plans a lot lately, it’s because we have. Now that the Rockingham County and MPO Bike/Pedestrian plans are approved and finalized, we can move onto the City of Harrisonburg Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The draft plan is posted and the public comment period closes on Friday December 16. Our community started the process to begin this plan update in March 2015. You can see the plan’s timeline on the City of Harrisonburg’s website.


  1. Email comments to Erin Yancey, Public Works Planning Manager at
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  2. Snail mail comments to:  ATTN:  Erin Yancey, Harrisonburg Public Works, 320 E. Mosby Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
  3. Be Heard Harrisonburg: The City’s online comment portal http://beheardharrisonburg.org/.  Comments will be accepted until December 16, 2016.

Until December 16, you can stop in the lobby of City Hall to see the large maps of the plan and provide written comments about the plan. Like a project? Tell the city. Don’t like a project? Tell the city. Projects are also ranked for priority. You can view the entire draft plan online here. You can also view the entire draft appendix here. Some of the maps are easier to view in person so please stop in and check it out next time you are downtown.

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