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Brush2Saturday Aug 20 – Bridge Hollow (the uphill to Braley Pond downhill)
Meeting 8:00 am at Mountain House (Directions) on Rt. 250
Hiking up Bridge Hollow Trail
Working from 8 to Noon.
Sunday Aug 21 – Chestnut Ridge
Meeting 8:00 am at Stokesville Market (Directions)
Crew 1) 8am – 1pm Hiking up Little Skidmore with handsaw to cut limbs, toss rocks and HOOK IT UP!
Crew 2) 8 am – 3 pm – Driving in Little Bald takes over an hour to get there
This is where the magic happens up high on the ridge with Brushers and hand tools.
You can hike down and out if you have to leave early.

BONUS Sunday Aug 21 on Chestnut your time counts towards the RTP Grant at approximately $26 an hour. The trail will be rebuilt by SVBC this fall and you will be part of the first wave of this project.
Questions or want to help out? Contact Chris: 

– Please have appropriate protective clothes including safety glasses, gloves, long pants and a long sleeve shirt.
– Please bring a small pack so you can carry your water and lunch with you the whole time.
– If you have a folding handsaw please bring it too
 Brush that trail
Brushing – Hiking in from the bottom of Mountain House with a Brusher team. A lead team works ahead with motorized brush cutters. The 1) first sweep crew uses rakes to gather the debris into the trail and then stashes it off the trail out of sight. The 2) second sweep crew cuts stumps/staubs or briers and branches with handsaws that were left too tall or were missed by the brushing crew. The goal is to cut back the small growth that chokes out the trail and create a path that is 8 feet wide. This achieves the USFS brushing standard and creates safe sight lines while also greatly improving the health of the trail tread.

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