THIS WEEKEND July 8, 9, 10 you can venture out to Natural Chimneys in Mt. Solon Va to enjoy plenty of live music at the Red Wing Festival. It is not too late to grab TICKETS or to join us for bike rides tomorrow morning. Since the rides start OUTSIDE the main festival gate, you don’t have to have tickets to the festival in order to enjoy the rides.
Every year the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition leads bicycle rides at the Red Wing Festival. You do NOT have to buy tickets to the festival to join in the rides but since the festival is such a blast and hosted by Harrisonburg’s favorite local band, The Steel Wheels, we highly encourage you to check it out. Tickets are still available so get them NOW.
You can learn more about all the bicycle rides on the Red Wing Bicycling Page. From a short family ride to a ride up to the top of Reddish Knob with music on top, there is something for everyone.
The SVBC is also honored to be one of the recipients of the Huss and Dalton guitar raffle (for the third year). When you are out at the Red Wing Festival be sure to buy a ticket to support all four of these wonderful community minded organizations working to improve our Friendly City. The SVBC has used these funds in the past to help launch important initiatives such as Connect Our Schools.
- SVBC (Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition)- You already know who we are!
- Our Community Place
- Build Our Park
Bike Ride Information: All Rides meet at the front gate of Natural Chimneys (you do not have to have a ticket to the festival to join in on the rides)
- 8:30 AM Short Road Ride (10-15 miles): an easy spin around the area starting from the festival grounds
- 8:00 AM Intermediate Road Ride (35 miles to base of Reddish Knob): a great Valley ride with beautiful views to the base of Reddish Knob and back
- 8:00 AM Intermediate-Advanced Road Ride (40 miles including climb to top of Reddish Knob): SVBC supported ride to the top of Reddish Knob. Perks include a nice spread at the top of the climb, and a short set of acoustic music. Suggested Donation OR Ride Fees collected.
- 8:30 AM Mountain Bike Ride (easy trails): 2-3 hours including transportation time to and from trail. Individual rides coordinated by Shenandoah Mountain Touring on the brand new family bike trails at Stokesville Campground.

Bicyclists rode to Reddish Knob in thick fog as part of the festival on Saturday morning. Thousands attended the first ever Red Wing Roots Music Festival at Natural Chimneys park in Mount Solon on Saturday, July 13, 2013.
Photo by Pat Jarrett