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2012-06-01_09-31-07_234We have some new and exciting energy focused on the Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park. Many of you know that the Power line trail was completed this fall and the pump track has seen some much needed love over the past few months. We have had many loads of dirt delivered thanks to Partners Excavating, the Power Line trail built through the generosity of Brad Stone of 402 Trails and are very own local trail superheros, Rich Edwards and Marshall Hammond. We have a new addition to our cycling community, Harlan Price who has helped us breath new life into the pump track at Hillandale. Harlan came back to the burg and has his own business teaching bike skills classes called Take Aim Cycling.

It is with great pleasure that we announce a new Facebook page specific to the Hillandale Trails and a work day on the trails on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
When: Saturday after Thanksgiving (28th) from 9am to 1pm with a planned ride afterwards.

What: Trailwork party to get some major work done to the Pumptrack and the Powerline.

Goals: To have two crews of at least 5 folks each.

Come out and help butter up the new Powerline trail and get some much needed rework done to the pumptrack!

Find the Event on Facebook
Contact Harlan Price with Questions:

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