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6333878_1444778781.7864_funddescriptionLeighton Shank left us far too soon. Leighton was a avid cyclists, at trail work nearly every week, built the first SVBC website, moved away to Richmond and then moved BACK to the Burg last year. This past year Leighton had been the behind the scene guy making sure that was working and plugging along. Leighton loved to ride his bike and was always gracious with his time to give back to the local bike community. It is only fitting that we use the SVBC website to help spread the word that Leighton passed away this past weekend.

There is also a site setup to bring meals to the Shank family. Consider signing up:
A page has been started in memory of Leighton. Please consider donating. From:

Leighton left behind his loving wife Jolie, and his 3 year old son Dillon, his father Thomas, and sisters Lauren and Missy.  We are starting this site as a memorial to Leighton, and as a testament to the love this community of friends and family have for him, Jolie and Dillon.

100% of all contributions will be given to Leighton’s wife Jolie to be used as she sees fit.  I urge all of Leighton’s friends, family and anyone who was touched by this amazing person to contribute to this memorial fund.   Our hope is that your contributions will help restart this beautiful family’s life however suits them, whether to fund Dillon’s education, help Jolie’s career, or simply allow Jolie and Dillon to be able to enjoy time with one other without fear or concern over money.

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