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10/6 9:00pm Update! The dirt is piling up quickly and we have a nice start on the trail build. We will need volunteers From noon to 6pm on Wednesday 10/7 and from noon to 6pm on Thursday 10/8. We will need you to chuck rocks, clip and take down the barbed wire fence, rake, spread grass seed and hay. Feel free to stop by anytime to take a look at the build.Partners Excavating

2012-06-01_09-31-07_234Ready to play in the dirt? Maybe play in a little bit of mud? Well the week has finally come to FINISH the Hillandale power line trail. After several attempts the past two years this is the WEEK. We have Brad Stone from 402 Trails (built Bryce, trails at Snowshoe and many more) lined up to help us with his skills and fleet of machines. We have Rich Edwards, local trail building superhero and professional trail builder/planner for IMBA, in town to help on his backyard trails. We have MORE dirt deliveries scheduled from friends and supporters at Partners Excavating.

We just need a few eager hands for help with picking rocks, raking, and spreading seed and straw. Join us Tuesday, Wednesday, and likely Thursday. Interested in helping but have questions? Email us () or call Kyle 571-277-8121 for updates.Rocktown-Printable-Map-page-001

The goal is to be working on the power line trail from Tuesday afternoon (10/6) on until we finish. It may be two days or it may be three. Either way, we want and need your help. Come help us write the next chapter in the history of the Rocktown trails.

This project is made possible in part with a grant from Specialized Bicycles that was secured thanks to our local Specialized dealer, Rocktown Bicycles.


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