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img_8325We need your help! We need a few more volunteers to help pour beer at the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo this weekend. ALL the proceeds from the beer garden will go to support the SVBC. Please come out and help us pour beer for the fondo riders. This is a great fundraiser for the SVBC and with the support of Brothers Craft Brewing this year we should be able to raise even more money.
Interested in helping? Please! We would love to have you- Email:
Here are some of the needs that we have per shift:
-1 person to check IDs and put on wristbands
-1 person to collect cash
-2 people helping pour beer

2 Volunteer Shifts

-12 noon- 3:30pm
-3:30pm to 6:30pm

3Bros-96-1024x682 (1)


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