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ACPThe Atlantic Coast Pipeline has been a hot topic of discussion up and down the valley for the past year. The proposed route runs through our George Washington National Forest, where many SVBC members are intimately familiar. The pipeline may or may not be a necessary product of our developing world but either way, the proposal by Virginia’s energy Darling, Dominion, has kicked off an extensive debate about private property, public lands, natural resource extraction, and more.

Local public radio station WMRA has had numerous pieces covering the fight against the pipeline especially highlighting the resistance the pipeline has seen in Augusta and Nelson Counties. There is even a group of folks with private planes who have dubbed themselves, the Pipeline Air force, and have pledged to monitor the potential construction of the pipeline and hold Dominion to following the law while building the route. Wherever your opinion falls concerning the pipeline, it is a hot topic issue in the Shenandoah Valley and worth your time to figure out what exactly is going on.

Wild Virginia is hosting an event on Monday September 14 at JMU’s Memorial Hall 7:30pm from their press release:

A comprehensive presentation about the dire consequences facing our region with the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. This event will feature a discussion by pipeline expert Nadia Steinzor, as well as a showing of the student documentary “Won’t Pipe Down.” 

Nadia Steinzor, from upstate NY, will speak on health and air quality concerns related to compressor station and pipeline projects, including those proposed in Virginia. She represents Earthworks, a national organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the impacts of mining and energy development.

Also included will be a showing of “Won’t Pipe Down,” an award-winning short documentary by JMU students as well as Q%A with Abby Riggleman, one of the film makers, and Ernie Reed of Wild Virginia. A shorter version of the film has already won an honorable mention in the student short documentary category at the BEA Film Festival (Broadcast Education Association) and the student short documentary category at the William and Mary Global Film Fest.

Tickets are free but you are asked to pre-register to save your seat: Register Now

Watch Trailer: Won’t Pipe Down Trailer



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