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As JMU welcomes another new freshman class for the 2015 fall semester, the entire class will hear a new kind of message from the university (see video above). We all know that biking and walking is omnipresent on college campuses and only seems to be growing in the city of Harrisonburg and on JMU’s campus. Understandably, there is concern that cyclists and walkers are not following the rules and endangering other bikers, walkers, and creating dangerous situations when cars are present.

In response, JMU released a video that will be shown to all freshman students outlining many of the rules that bikers and walkers should follow. There are a number of local folks and SVBC members featured in the video! We commend JMU’s first real attempt to educate an entire class of students and look forward to seeing this message refined in the future to not only layout the rules but also encourage more students to bike and walk around town and campus. What do you think of the video? We are anxious to hear.


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