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0619150921How excited are you to live in the “Bike Capital?” or better yet how excited are you to let everyone know about Harrisonburg, VA and the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition? Well we have a treat for you. An all new and for the first time in nearly a decade, SVBC logo t-shirt for sale with the “Bike Capital” across the front in the shape of the state of Virginia. We even have a little star so you can locate the Friendly City. Big thanks to SVBC member Chris Whitmore ( for the the T-shirt design. Cost: $25 all proceeds go towards SVBC’s mission to take over the world and make Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and surrounding area awesome for bikes. Read our 2015 goals and see where we are taking this whole party. Pickup: Only at 222 Campbell St in Harrisonburg after reaching out to () Purchase options: Paypal, check, or cash

You can select your gender and size T-shirt below and then go ahead and pay for it via paypal or using any other credit card. As of 6/28 we are out of Mens Medium T-shirts you can purchase them now to reserve your T-shirt for our next round of printing.

SVBC Bike Capital T-Shirt: Gender/Size options

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