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28132SVBC member Jamie Doyle wants to make sure you know about local road racing. Not a ton of opportunities in our are to compete in sanctioned road events but if interested, you should head over to Page Valley this weekend.

This year, Page Valley Cycling expanded its Shenandoah-based summer racing schedule!  In addition to the 5th Annual Shenandoah Time Trial on July 25th, there was an event last weekend at Shenandoah Speedway on July 26th

This weekend (August 1) Page Valley Cycling will also host the state championship, and MABRA regional championship road race outside of Stanley.  Come and see some of the best local racers duke it out for state and regional championship titles, or come to race.  One day licenses available for novice racers.  Of special note for some of our locals is the race for Men 35+ Cat 4/5, which would suit a lot of our Tuesday and Thursday group ride participants.

More info and online registration at:


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