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This weekend (July 10, 11, 12) is the Redwing Roots Music Festival out at Natural Chimneys in Mt. Solon Virginia. Local Harrisonburg heroes, the Steel Wheels not only put on a killer festival next to the George Washington National Forest, but also include bike rides for festival goers and community members alike.

Please join the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition for group rides leaving from OUTSIDE the main campground gate (so that non-festival goers can attend).

Schedule of events:


  • 8:30 AM Short Road Ride (10-15 miles): an easy spin around the area starting from the festival grounds
  • 8:00 AM Intermediate Road Ride (35 miles to base of Reddish Knob): a great Valley ride with beautiful views to the base of Reddish Knob and back
  • 8:00 AM Intermediate-Advanced Road Ride (40 miles including climb to top of Reddish Knob): SVBC supported ride to the top of Reddish Knob.  Perks include a nice spread at the top of the climb, and a short set of acoustic music.  Suggested Donation OR Ride Fees collected.
  • 8:30 AM Mountain Bike Ride (approx. 10 miles): 2-3 hours including transportation time to and from trail. Group ride led by SVBC designed to highlight exciting new mountain bike projects in the area.  This ride will showcase the SVBC trail work on Narrowback Mountain.



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