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Tell our VA Senators that you want to preserve funding for Safe Routes to Schoo0l (SRTS). We currently have a Safe Routes to School Coordinator for Harrisonburg City Public Schools and hopefully will soon also have a coordinator for Rockingham County Public Schools. These positions make a BIG difference in our community. This winter, the local SRTS program secured a grant to purchase 90 bicycles to place in the elementary schools!


Each year, more than $800 million is allocated to states and MPOs through the Transportation Alternatives Program for Safe Routes to School projects, sidewalks, trails and other bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. TAKE ACTION NOW

The legislation would:

  • Give states the flexibility to meet federal cost-sharing requirements across the entire program, which will allow lower matching requirements for lower-resourced communities to be offset by higher matches from larger communities within a state;
  • Make nonprofits and small MPOs eligible to compete for funding;
  • Shift a greater portion of TAP funds to be allocated by population, making sure that resources are fairly distributed among rural areas, mid-sized suburban areas and large metropolitan areas;
  • Remove a provision that creates extra regulatory hurdles that delay projects; and
  • Restore the 30 percent of funding cut that was cut from 2012 funding levels.

Tell Your Senators TODAY via a super easy and simple online form that you want to preserve Federal funding for the SRTS program.

TAPIA fact sheet-page-001


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