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A public meeting to gain input on the proposed I-81 interchanges in the City of Harrisonburg has been rescheduled for this week. Below is an C48C4F624DD840CDB989C04C7E3C1193announcement from a local community group, Community Alliance for Preservation (CAP) on the details of the proposals. We encourage cyclists and pedestrians in particular to attend these meetings. With I-81 splitting Harrisonburg in half, it poses severe difficulties for cyclists and pedestrians to safely cross. There are only a few ways to cross the interstate, three of which will be impacted by these planned improvements. It is important to ensure that the MPO considers the needs of cyclists and pedestrians in these plans.

While the VDOT is spending millions of dollars to rework and re-imagine these intersections (making them work faster and safer) for cars it is important that we convey our desire to have access to more transportation options in Harrisonburg. This will only happen if our traffic planners and engineers design easy and safe options for crossing the interstate when traveling by something other than a car. If you look closely at the proposals you will see that one option recommends a cloverleaf on/off ramp in place of the Bluestone trail. Please attend these meetings and make your voice heard.

The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has rescheduled the public information meeting for Thursday, March 26 on upgrades to the busy interchanges at I-81 and Port Republic Road, Exit 245, and East Market Street, Exit 247.

The meeting location and time have also changed. The meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Rockingham County Department of Fire and Rescue Classroom at the Rockingham County Administration Center.Directions.

These two exits handle traffic to JMU, downtown Harrisonburg, businesses and the new hospital. Possible plans for a new JMU Convocation Center and other development make it critical to plan to keep traffic moving.

If you have any questions, please call 540-885-5174 or contact Kevin McDermott, Transportation Program Manager, by email: .


An important meeting about proposed changes to the Interstate 81 interchanges located within the City of Harrisonburg will take place on Thursday of this week. The SVBC is concerned that the process improve bicycle and pedestrian accessibility through these often challenging and crowded intersections.  Local group, CAP (Community Alliance for Preservation) stays on top of these issues and has nicely summarized the process. Below is from their latest email:

The meeting will be held Thursday March 26  from 5 to 7 pm at the Rockingham County Department of Fire and Rescue Classroom at the Rockingham County Administration Center. Directions.

These two exits handle traffic to JMU, downtown Harrisonburg, businesses and the new hospital. Possible plans for a new JMU Convocation Center and other development make it critical to plan to keep traffic moving.

CAP supports key elements in the interchange road improvements:

•    They take place mostly in the I-81 right of way.
•    They address all forms of traffic – like pedestrians and bikes – not just cars and trucks.

VDOT offers an option and an alternative design for each exit, but CAP finds the alternatives have advantages:

•    Exit 245 Alternative (Option 4) is the most pedestrian friendly in general and eliminates a proposed cloverleaf that would 20150220impact nearly half of the new multiuse Bluestone Trail.
•    Exit 247 Alternative (Option 1R) distributes traffic to two key arteries, Reservoir Street and Rt. 33, rather than piling all the traffic onto Rt. 33, making it easier to get to the hospital or shopping areas.

CAP has followed the MPO and VDOT’s work on the interchanges for the past year and a half because of the major impact of new lanes, a cloverleaf and other road improvements on the surrounding community.

While we understand the I-81 interchange upgrades require extensive technical analysis, CAP continues to urge VDOT and the MPO to bring the public into the planning process earlier to gain public input and support before extensive and costly planning takes place on just one or two options.

Please take the time to stop by the meeting March 5, from 5 to 7 pm, at the Lucy F. Simms Continuing Education Center, 620 Simms Avenue, Harrisonburg. Directions.

Send Comments by March 13 on the I-81 interchange options. Write to Kevin McDermott, HRMPO transportation program manager, 112 MacTanly Place, Staunton, VA 24401. Or email:

For More Info  Go to and click on “plans and projects” in the top bar.

To See the Exit Designs

Please contact us if you have further questions about this or any other road projects in Rockingham County and Harrisonburg.


Kim Sandum

Executive Director
Community Alliance for Preservation

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