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VDOT is seeking stakeholder comment on the DRAFT Pedestrian Policy Plan. The comment period will be open until July 31, 2014. Comment now and help VDOT make the commonwealth more walk (and bike) friendly! Bicyclists can also benefit from facilities shared with pedestrians.


The purpose of this Plan is to establish a vision for the future of walking in the Commonwealth and to advance the walking element of the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations (Policy) consistently, appropriately, and cost-effectively. The final plan will address the implementation element of both the Bicycle and the Pedestrian Policy Plans. The recommendations in this Plan will advance the Policy more effectively and will involve a wide variety of partners within various divisions of VDOT, as well as stakeholders throughout the Commonwealth. This Plan focuses on policies, procedures, and programs within VDOT’s authority.

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