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FLASHMOB on the Virginia Mountain Bike Trail. Saturday April 12th.
SVBC will participate in a state-wide day of trail work on the Virginia Mountain Bike Trail. We are holding a “VA Trail” work day (Note- The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition Spring Classic, Harris-Roubaix is April 13th)
From Shenandoah Mountain Touring: “The goal is to get some folks to ride and do some clearing on all or almost all of the amazing sections of trail throughout Virginia. Handsaws or just moving debris and taking notes. The most that we are hoping will come of it is getting back a good assessment of what needs to be done and the associated PR/outreach of trying to get folks to ride a section and explore.”

The SVBC crews will be heading out to the Southern Traverse section of the Shenandoah Mountain Bike Trail and or up North to the Lee District of the George Washington National Forest. Take your pick.

Think of this as a big bike ride with hand saws. We are trying to gather much needed recon on the condition of the trail and cut out anything we can with handsaws. This is NOT a digging mission, a brushing mission, a chainsaw mission, a heavy machinery in general mission. Plan on bringing plenty of food, liquids and a hearty set of legs but do think of it as a fun group bike ride. Which section most interests you?

Interested in volunteering? Get in touch with Shenandoah Mountain Touring with questions or to simply RSVP ()


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