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You heard it here first! Massanutten’s Western Slope Trails (largely built and maintained by the fine volunteers of the

379187_417324751690973_336390470_nShenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition) will open up for regular daily use this Saturday February 8. The trails close every year on November 1 for hunting (except for Sundays) and always open back up for daily use sometime in February.

Remember Massanutten is PRIVATE PROPERTY and that you must still have a trail pass in order to ride. In order to obtain a trail pass you must:

1. Be a current member of the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition: You can join or renew your membership right now!

2. Either commit to volunteer 8 hours of trail work at Massanutten for 2014 OR donate towards your pass ($50 recommended donation) via our SVBC site.

3. Whether you commit to trail work or donate we still need you to fill out Massanutten’s required Risk and Release Waiver.  The waiver is online only so please don’t waste any paper printing it out.

The full Massanutten guidelines are outlined on our site under the Massanutten Page. Did you know that Massanutten is our own special little playground? It offers more than 800 acres with access to the Lee District of the George Washington National Forest and over 15 miles of phenomenal trail. We even have a trail that SVBC volunteers spent 2,000 hours building that resulted in less than a mile of highly involved rock work.


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