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10429280644_28d261732dInterested in inspiring others to give biking to work a try, or bike around their neighborhood with their family? Think more of your friends would bike more if they had just a little more confidence in their biking skills?

Consider becoming a League (of American Bicyclists) Cycling Instructor (LCI) and teach “Smart Cycling”. Its is a great way to help others in our community.

SVBC has 4 scholarships available to cover the $300 LCI Seminar fee! 

The next “local” seminar is scheduled for February 28 through March 2 in Washington, DC. Registration ends February 2! This especially nice if you are planning to attend the National Bike Summit, as its the weekend before the Summit. Other Seminars will be scheduled around the country throughout this year. Find Seminar locations here:

Download LCI Info and Scholarship Info and eligibility requirements, etc. If questions, contact Thanh Dang at thanh.ha.dang [at] gmail [dot] com.

Read about last year’s scholarship recipients.

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