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Friendly City Grand Prix from Shenandoah Bicycle on Vimeo. Last year was the Grand debut of the Friendly City Cyclo-Cross Series. A fun community event to replace the Blue Ridge Cup but take out the driving over the mountain and up the valley. The Friendly City Grand Prix holds all events in Harrisonburg. Now you can come out to Ramblewood Park on Tuesday September 10 at 6:00pm and play cross with all of your best friends. Afterwards maybe join us at Ruby’s for some food and drink?

Two twenty minute heats worked really well last year so we have decided to keep the format the same
Ramblewood Park but NOT at the ball fields. Our entrance will be off of Greendale road. Look for SVBC signs and drive through the gate to find all the fun. See map below if you are confused.
6:00pm start in September and 5:30 start in October
September 10: Ramblewood-6pm
September 17: Ramblewood-6pm
September 24: Ramblewood-6pm
October 1: Ramblewood-5:30 pm
October 8: Ramblewood-5:30pm
October 15: Ramblewood-5:30pm
October 22: Ralph Sampson (or somewhere with lights)
October 29: Ralph Sampson (or somewhere with lights)
Want to get involved? Course planning and layout with Dave O’Neil: THIS Thursday August 29 at 7am- Ramblewood. Dave needs your help to make sure the course is even better than last year so come out and put in your two cents.
Remember, we will NOT be at the Ramblewood ball fields. Follow the map below to know where to go:

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