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Mission Accomplished–Trails Are Buff!!  SVBC will hold another Haircut Session in late summer, hope to see you there!

SVBC volunteers Tom Cooper and Jonus Zimmerman working on a hot Saturday!

SVBC volunteers Tom Cooper and Jonus Zimmerman working on a hot Saturday!

Thank you to the 15 volunteers who spent some of their Saturday cutting back the major growth on the Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park.  50 volunteers hours in a day never made such a difference for so many local trail lovers!

From the front lines, Marshall Hammond reports: 

“At 7 it was Vince with Jungle Love and all the tools, David F. was next, Tim C. and Ritchie, then Marcia. The attack began. One tank of gas and I set of blades seemed to be the norm. The lower tails fell by noon but the upper tails took a bit more effort. In comes Karl W., 2 non-member trimmers to round out the early crew. Thomas,  Tommy and a great crew of strong men took over in the noonish range and took the mission to its conclusion. All the gas and all the blades were used. Thanks to HP&R for loaning us their machines. It took all of them and some personal trimmers to boot. Here is the conclusion…. I rode every trail in the park yesterday and not a one that needed trimming was missed, both cutting and clearing. Absolutely an amazing task completed in one day. Thank you all who showed up throughout the day to help. What is it called, Crop mobbing, well this was Trimmer mobbing?”


And, the numbers:
15 folks.
50 trail work hours.
3 bags of blades plus fresh blades on four brushers.
3 gallons of gas plus each machine full at start.
6 brushers.
2 blowers.
2 rakes.
Miscellaneous trimmers brought by volunteers.

 t H a n K   Y o U   t R i M m E R   M o B b e r s  !

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