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Interested in inspiring others to give biking to work a try, or bike around their neighborhood with their family? Think more of your friends would bike more if they had just a little more confidence in their biking skills?

Consider becoming a League (of American Bicyclists) Cycling Instructor (LCI) and teach “Smart Cycling”. Its is a great way to help others in our community. Certified instructors have the knowledge to teach a variety of workshops for different audiences. Imagine 1-hour brown bag lunch presentations being offered at workplaces, presentations to local Rotary clubs and church groups, workshops on university and college campuses on bike commuting and bike comfort, teaching safety skills to children, or a workshop with tips on biking as a family and with kids! Oh my!

An LCI Seminar is being offered in Harrisonburg on October 18, 19, and 20 2013.

And here’s the more awesome part: SVBC is offering up to 10 scholarships to cover the cost of the LCI Seminar! ($300/person) There’s an easy one page application (download here) and the eligibility requirements are super easy. Scholarship applicants must:

  • Live or work within Rockingham, Shenandoah, Page, Augusta, or Rockbridge Counties. (Cities and towns within those areas qualify.)
  • Be a current SVBC member.
  • Agree to conduct a minimum of 1 class, workshop, or presentation within the next 2 years (by November, 2015).

Scholarship applications are due June 30, 2013.

Contact Thanh Dang at thanh.ha.dang [at] if you have any questions.

Hope you can join us!!


Chris Eatough of BikeArlington Program Manager demonstrates the "instant turn". LCI Seminar in Washington DC, November 2012.

Chris Eatough, BikeArlington Program Manager, demonstrates the “instant turn”. LCI Seminar in Washington DC, November 2012.


Champe Burnley, Virginia Bicycling Federation President, demonstrates the "rock dodge" to avoid those pesky debris and hazards in the road. LCI Seminar in Richmond, VA in October 2012.

Champe Burnley, Virginia Bicycling Federation President, demonstrates the “rock dodge” to avoid those pesky debris and hazards in the road. LCI Seminar in Richmond, VA in October 2012.


How many bikes can you fit into this elevator? Thanh Dang and her LCI classmates cram into the elevator at The Nature Conservancy offices in Washington, DC.

How many bikes and bikers can you fit into this elevator? Thanh Dang and her LCI classmates cram into the elevator at The Nature Conservancy offices in Washington, DC during the LCI Seminar, November 2011.

Thanks to an SVBC Scholarship, Thanh Dang became an LCI after taking the League Seminar in Washington DC in November 2011. She has taught two Confident City Cycling classes in Harrisonburg, and has presented “Bicycling 101: How to Be a Safe and Happy Commuter” on college campuses.  She looks forward to collaborating with new LCIs in Harrisonburg to inspire more people to discover the joys of bicycling.

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