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Friendly City Food Coop Bike of the 2011 Bike Rack Grant Winners!

Friendly City Food Coop Bike Rack…one of the 2011 Bike Rack Grant Winners!

SVBC is soliciting applications for the 2013 SVBC Harrisonburg Business Bicycle Rack
Grant Program from now through May 25, 2013.

SVBC will award up to five grants to local businesses to assist with the purchase and
installation of bicycle racks for employees and patrons of the businesses.
Businesses located within the city of Harrisonburg are eligible.

The grant will provide 75 percent of the retail price of each bicycle rack, with a
maximum award amount of $500 per grant. The grant will also cover costs
associated with shipping, installation, and necessary hardware to securely mount
the bicycle rack.

Visit here for details and application. All applications are due by May 25th!

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