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There are a lot of great things happening in Rockingham County right now and the Rockingham Bicycle Advisory Committee (RBAC) needs YOUR help with one of them.  The RBAC is gathering information for the League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly Community Application on behalf of the County.  (Thank you RBAC!)  The deadline is almost upon us!

We need to inventory the location of county bicycle racks by Wednesday, Feb. 13.

If you know where bicycle racks are located in the county please email with the location, number of bicycles, and type of bicycle rack (you could even forward a photo).  The RBAC is planning on meeting next Wednesday, February 13, to review the application so please email Cari by 12 noon on Wednesday.  Thanks for your help.


bike rack red front thanh

Photo Credit: Thanh Dang – Not a county rack, but you get the idea.

bike rack court square thanh

Photo Credit: Thanh Dang – Also not a county rack.

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