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Saturday February 2 7:30pm at Court Sqaure Theater BUY TICKETS NOW!

Eight Wheels, Two Months, One World

Posted: January 24, 2013

Around the world in 40 days, not via balloon, but bike: The creators of “Reveal the Path” did just
that, capturing their adventure on film.

On Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m., the documentary rolls into Court Square Theater, with proceeds to benefit the Shenandoah Bicycle Coalition’s fundraising efforts, which intend to put a unique spin on the driver’s education program in Rockingham County Schools.

“Biking is growing in all aspects, which is really exciting,” says Kyle Lawrence, president of the SVBC.

Paths Unfold
As they “hopscotched” across continents, director Mike Dion, of Colorado, says the group of four had a simple question in mind: “If you could ride anywhere, where would you go?”

With the world laid before their handlebars, they captured the trans-continental travels organically, meeting local people and trekking from vistas to valleys.

The nearly 40-day journey in summer 2011 was an “eye opening and humbling experience,” says Dion.

“If you tour by bicycle, you’re seeing the world go by at 15 miles an hour, [instead of] in a car, whizzing by at 75 or 80 miles an hour and generally just after the next destination,” he says.

“On a bicycle, you can take in the landscape, the terrain, temperature, wind and absorb your surroundings.”

Reveal the Path is a conceptual departure from their previous film, Ride the Divide, which aired at Court Square Theater last year and followed cyclists through the Rocky Mountain Continental Divide race.

“We got pretty cool feedback from people… hearing how our piece of art changed someone’s path,” says Dion.

Inspired by the childlike roots of riding a for fun, they “stripped out all things longest and hardest,” and focused on discovery and exploration, he says.

Proceeds Benefit School Program
Lawrence and Dion agree that adventure isn’t always a continent out of reach — but can be found in one’s own neighborhood.

They hope initiatives such as the “Bike Smart” program, the program benefiting from the Court Square showing proceeds, will be a push toward more awareness.

A new component to driver’s ed, the program is already in effect at Turner Ashby High School under the instruction of physical education teacher Cindy Ferek.

Students are able to get behind handlebars before the wheel of a car: navigating a test track to learn rules of the road as both cyclist and driver.The SVBC strives to help start similar programs at more schools, says Lawrence.

“At some point, [we hope] to have every student on a bike during driver’s ed class.”

“The ultimate goal is to get more people on bikes,” Lawrence says. “There are opportunities everywhere. We are in a prime location for it.”

Tickets are $9 in advance, $13 at the door. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit or call (540) 801-8779.

Contact Samantha Cole at 574-6374 or

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