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Paul “P. J.”  Johnston announces his retirement from the City of Harrisonburg Bicycle – Pedestrian Subcommittee.

Reflecting on his tenure on the Bike-Ped Subcommittee,  Johnston could barely contain his emotions.  “I have volunteered advocating for bicycle infrastructure in the city since 2000 and I have happily served on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee  since its inception in 2010. However, I feel now is a good time to step away from the subcommittee so that I may concentrate on other important things in life such as my pet rabbit.”

“It has been quite a journey,” he said of his two years on the Subcommittee.  “I have enjoyed working with citizen volunteers and city staff on multiple infrastructure projects”

During his time advocating for improved cycling infrastructure, Harrisonburg has passed three bike plans, the first in 2000 and revisions in 2005 and again in 2010.  As a result of the partnership between volunteer citizens and city staff, Harrisonburg has seen many great improvements in bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure.  This was underscored when Harrisonburg was designated a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists in 2011 as result of the many on-the-ground projects and persistent commitment from many citizen volunteers and city staff.


As a consequence of his retirement, there is now a vacancy on the five-member Subcommittee.  The term begins in January 2013.

“The two hours every-other-month I spent at Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee Meetings have been very rewarding.  I am truly, deeply saddened by my decision to resign.  But my pet rabbit needs attention too.”

Citizens interested in becoming a subcommittee member should review the information sheet provided on the Bike-Ped Subcommittee’s website, and submit their application to Thanh Dang by December 31, 2012.  Applications will be reviewed by the Transportation Safety and Advisory Commission in January, and the new subcommittee member will be appointed in time for the January 28, 2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting.

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