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With the City on the verge of committing over 1 Million dollars to the Bluestone and Northend Greenway Trails, we need your help. Come to the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm to show your support!  Arrive early and bring a friend!

On October 9, Harrisonburg City Council proposed giving part of its $6.7 million surplus to greenways and trails, including $600,000 for the Northend Greenway and $443,000 for the Bluestone Trail. To secure this important funding, it’s up to all of us to attend the Public Hearing to support walking and biking infrastructure.

The City Council Chambers at 409 South Main Street.

The public hearing begins at 7:00 pm, but come early and bring a friend!

At the meeting, all are welcome to share their thoughts on the surplus spending proposal. **We encourage folks of all backgrounds, not just cyclists, to share what the greenways will mean to them, and how they will benefit our community.**This is a critical moment for not just these greenways, but also for our community’s smart and sustainable development. Let’s pack out the Public Hearing to tell them you’re ready for your greenways!

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